.NET Software Engineer / Indie Game Developer

About Scott Walker

Over 20 years experience creating business solutions for the government and the private sector
Blender logo Unity logo Visual Studio Microsoft .NET
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Scott Walker - Senior .NET Software Engineer

I've been developing software for over 20 years; below are some of my most recent accomplishments.

YEAR: 2024

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Kill Ransomware

This is a Windows service that runs in the background. The ransomware logic will stop ransomware from encrypting a host’s files. This was accomplished by placing monitored canary documents throughout the host. When any activity is received and it's determined that encryption has taken place, the process is captured and then killed. Any parent or grandparent processes are also killed. No one in the Cybersecurity industry can do this.

This feature contributed to growing a company with 600 customers to over 5,000 customers in just six months. This technology has stopped Fog Ransomware Group, saving customers' files and ransom money they didn't need to pay.

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Ransomware Simulator

This is a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application that simulates a ransomware attack. This allows for the showcasing of the Kill Ransomware capabilities. The simulator attempts to encrypt and rename files on the host. The simulator will give a visual representation of how good the host's defenses are.

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Exfiltration Simulator

This is a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application that simulates exfiltration. Exfiltration is the process of moving files to a temporary location, archving the files and then FTPing or sending the files to a remote location. This simulator simulates this activity and the logic, similar to the ransomware logic, we're able to kill the processes performing the exfiltration

YEAR: 2023

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M365 Business Email Compromise Simulator

This a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application, also called Microsoft 365 Attack Simulator which automatically logs you into office.com in multiple locations and foreign countries demonstrating detections and notifications of possible compromises due to logins in foreign countries.

  • Backend server setup and logic by way of .NET
  • Selenium scraping of office.com using Chrome and ToR browser
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application and design

Recently updated in 2024 to account for Microsoft's changes to office.com

Accounting for Microsoft's
Authenticator pages and notifications

send notification

Capture authenticator code
to send back to client to accept

authenticator notification
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PowerShell Attack Simulator

This a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application, also called Microsoft 365 Attack Simulator which automatically logs you into office.com in multiple locations and foreign countries demonstrating detections and notifications of possible compromises due to logins in foreign countries.

YEAR: 2022

Raid On Scorpion Island poster

GPO Deploy

Some customers and their IT department aren't experienced with GPO and having all their endpoints automatically install our installation, so I created a WPF application that sets up their GPO automatically providing them a UI experience with a one-click solution for Onboarding new customers and having all of their endpoints installed with our software.


Raid On Scorpion Island poster

Raid on Scorpion Island

This is a 3D helicopter game that was developed in Unity. I partnered with Microsoft to create a game within their Indie Developer section of Microsoft. This game is available now on multiple platforms, including Xbox, Windows Store, and Steam.

The idea for this game was one based on the old Raid on Bungeling Bay that was available in the 1980s but never done in 3D. This is Scott Walker's first attempt at game development under Walker Game Studio, LLC.

  • Language: C#
  • Code and Game Engine: Scott Walker
  • 3D Graphics: Scott Walker
  • Audio (Music/Sound Effects): Purchased through Unity Asset Store

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